Visiting the Omaha Zoo

Spring break was this past week. Jeremy and Sarah were taking Jaren to the Henry Doorly Zoo and invited me to tag along. Carrie, David, and the kids were also planning on going to Omaha on bacation and visiting the zoo. They, however, were staying there several days at a hotel with an indoor water park. They joined us at the zoo in the afternoon when they got into town. We visited the gorillas, cats, and, orangutans, or as Luke calls them, wammerhammers, aka rangertangers. Unfortunately my wammerhammer pictures didn't turn out too good.

This is a 2-page spread I made using Isyndra's Zoomania kit, available at, based on Elizabeth Weaver's Double Duty Two Page Quick Click available at Digital Scrapbook Place.

Here are better views of the zoo pages:


We went to the Henry Doorly Zoo last summer and it was a GREAT time!! We spent 9 1/2 hours there and boy were we tired by the end of it.

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