Bits and Pieces

I'm coming down in a cold I think. Woke up in the middle of the night with a scratchy throat. Went to the drug store on my way to work and have been using Zicam Cold Remedy gel swabs. According to the box, I can get over my old faster and reduces the duration and severity of cold symptoms. We'll see.

Well I've got my Christmas cards ordered tonight. Sent them to Costco along with some scrapbook pages. Can pick them up on Saturday and hopefully I'll get them out on Sunday.

Here's my December desktop on my laptop computer courtesy Shabby Miss Jen Designs.

I did get a page scrapped tonight of Jaren's visit to Santa. I used Lori Cook's ScrapSimple Paper Christmas Classics, Linda Nixon's journaling bracket, and based on template from Rackety Scraps. Isn't he a cutie. Those eyes are as shot--they haven't been retouched.


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